Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Day 5 The Book

I WILL write my book!

So half way through the blog challenge and how do I turn this into a productive habit?
One of the key parts of my marketing strategy is writing my book – “how to be successful woman in the food industry”.  OK maybe needs a more sassy title but that’s the principle.

And I have been procrastinating about having time to do get it done – but guess what…I have found between 2 hours (first day, steep learning curve having never written a blog before) to 45 minutes (still learning and also getting side tracked with finding nice photos and quotes etc) per day EVERYDAY.  I have always thought that my most creative time is in the morning and for work stuff it is but guess what….. I like writing in the evening!!!

So my daily success plan is ridiculously simple –write 500 words per day (cos I won’t need to post the blog and find the image, so can find the extra few words) and my 50,000 word book is written in 100 days which is by Christmas.  I will have my book by Christmas.

Wow!!!!   Total lightbulb moment!!

So the plan is 50 minutes every day split into two Pomodoro 25 minute slots – in the evening. Am totally inspired and will use these blogs to build up the first few days words as I am so enjoying this process as well.

This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 5

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